
ékm's Ottawa mobile clinic in the media

Ottawa's mobile clinic, designed by EKM Architecture, gives primary health care and brings mental and physical support directly to the people at designated sites in Ottawa.

We have created many of these Universal Mobile Clinics (www.universalmobileclinic.com) since 2013 and are proud of the positive impact these "clinics on wheels" are having throughout Canada.

Our thanks go out to Telus Health for funding this project and we wish to express our profound appreciation for the people at Ottawa Inner City Health, Ottawa Public Health, The Royal and the Sandy Hill and Somerset West Community Health Centres for their tireless work.

See CBC’s article and video by clicking here .









ekm mobile clinic ottawa

ékm and Hydro-Québec : towards solar energy

Hydro-Québec will set up two experimental solar power facilities. 🌞 EKM’s landscape architecture team, lead by the landscape architect Raquel Penalosa working closely with the engineers from WOOD., helped develop an innovative visual analysis approach for this new type of infrastructure project. Compared to conventional hydro-electrical infrastructure, these new facilities pose different challenges in terms of acceptability and integration. EKM is proud to support all projects that move forward Quebec’s renewable energy infrastructure. 🌎

Generic image of a solar panel, not the actual project

Generic image of a solar panel, not the actual project

Sarmad Al-Mashta Director of ekm Lab


Sarmad Al-Mashta will head ékm LAB, the research and innovation department of the firm. Very aware of new technologies and always looking for new ways of working, he will be an excellent leader to push the boundaries of the firm and come up with innovative solutions. He is also behind the technological shift that the firm is making, such as implementing BIM technologies and the integration of Virtual Reality (VR) as a way of visualizing and presenting projects.

ékm joins other Canadian architectural and design firms in a commitment to combating the climate crisis

ékm added its name to the list of Canadian architectural and design firms that signed the declaration: "Canadian Architectural Professionals Declare Climate and Biodiversity Emergency and Commit to Urgent and Sustained Action." The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada’s (RAIC) Committee on Regenerative Environments is behind this statement, which was supported by 25 organizations before being posted online for signature by other professionals in the field. Our firm, already active in the implementation of sustainable solutions in the development of its projects, is committed to raising public awareness and taking immediate action to respond to this environmental emergency. In the same spirit, our team will be present at the march for the climate of September 27 in Montreal and encourages you to mobilize along our side.

To sign the declaration: https://ca.architectsdeclare.com/

To learn more about the declaration: https://raic.org/news/day-global-climate-strike-canadian-architects-commit-action-climate-crisis?fbclid=IwAR2aCsKtQc_q_8HU54rgEJWnnKSBh2sk1b3JKjVbXdilKWUSdM7rqoph2dk

Benoit Picard appointed as an ekm Architecture Associate

September 20, 2019

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We are pleased to announce that Benoit Picard has been appointed as an associate within ékm architecture. An experienced architect, he is also a LEED Accredited Professional and will help guide the firm towards its climate change commitments.  During his 17 years with ékm, Benoit’s work has been highly appreciated by our clients. We wish him every success in his new role.